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SÓLTZ, Vilmos

* 8. 12. 1833, Švedlár, Slovakia
† 12. 10. 1901, Budapest, Hungary

Metallurgical engineer

From 1854 to 1858 S. studied mining and metallurgy at the Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Banská Štiavnica and then until 1860 mechanics and mechanical engineering in Příbram. He found the first job in the ironworks in the Marmaros County (in Dilove and Kobilecki Poljana, in today's Ukraine). From 1869 on he managed the ironworks in Turja Remeta in Uzhhorod County (now Ukraine). After the liquidation of the company in 1871 he worked for a short time in Ponicka Hutia in Banska Bystrica. From 1873 to 1881 S. managed the ironworks in Tisovec. While working as an engineer, S. made a number of proposals to optimize the blast furnaces and puddling. He also patented some of his inventions, such as continuous production of gas, steel furnace, as well as the loading device.
The next two decades, i. e. until 1901, S. taught as a professor and head of the Department of Metallurgy at Mining and forestry school in Banská Štiavnica; from 1892 to 1896 he also attained the position of deputy director. His interventions made the construction of a new building for the Institute possible. The establishment of Hungarian mining and metallurgical association in 1892 took place mainly on his initiative.

24. 05. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Košice

On 25th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Slovak Technical Museum in Košice. The game will be accessible for school groups till 30th June. For more info ...

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20. 04. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Budapest

On 4th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum in Budapest. The game will be accessible for school groups ...

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