* 1776, Český Těšín, Czech Republic
† 24. 11. 1833, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Mountain scientist
At the University of Vienna S. studied philosophy, mathematics and legal science. At the end of his study, S. taught mathematics and physics from 1803 to 1807 at the Institute of Oriental studies in Vienna. Later, until 1809, he was a professor of physics at the Lyceum in Linz. The same year he was invited to the Mining Academy in Banska Štiavnica as the professor of logic, mathematics, physics and mechanics. In addition to his teaching, S. also worked as a mining consultant and an expert in mining matters. Addressing the hydrodynamics led him to constructing water pumps. In connection with this he addressed the issue of mineshafts export and processing techniques. His most important innovation in the construction of water pumps was the whirling device. From Maximilian →Hell's pump he preserved only the principle of pumping water under pressure. He improved processing technique with the introduction of processing machines and sorting units.
S. published his theory of hydrodynamics in a book called Contributions to the work of mining science with an emphasis on mining mechanical engineering (Beiträge zur Bergbaukunde, insbesondere zur Bergmaschinenlehre, 1833/34), and calculations and design solutions for water pumps in the book Water pumps (Die Wassersäulen-Maschinen, 1834).