* 15. 9. 1876, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
† 20. 12. 1961, Sopron, Hungary
mechanical engineer, electrotechnician
After finishing the secondary schools in Banska Štiavnica and Braşov, B. studied mechanical engineering at the Technical College in Budapest from 1895 to 1898. After spending a short time in the →Ganz factory, he worked in one of the oldest mechanical plants in Slovakia after 1899, in Kachelmann's mechanical factory in Vyhne. From 1900 onwards, he also lectured at the Chair of Mathematics at the Mining and Forestry Academy in Banska Štiavnica. In 1904, he took over the leadership of the newly established Chair of Physics and Electrotechnology.
B. published numerous contributions in these fields, mostly in newspapers on mining science (Banicke a hutnicke listy), such as: Saving Lives in Electric Current Accidents (1912), Three-Phase Commutator Motor (1915). The physics textbook, which came out in 1912, was compiled together with the mining engineer Jozef Fenykövi. In 1917, the first edition of his Electrotechnology came out, which was in practice used as a textbook for secondary schools, as well as expert literature for electrotechnicians.
In addition to teaching at the Mining and Forestry Academy, B. also constructed meters and electrical devices. After the Mining and Forestry Academy was moved from Banska Štiavnica to Sopron (Hungary), he lectured there until 1948.