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MECHWART, Andreas (András)

* 6. 12. 1834, Schweinfurt, Germany
† 14. 6. 1907, Budapest, Hungary

Mechanical engineer

As the son of poor parents a talented locksmith apprentice obtained a scholarship for his further education in his hometown of Schweinfurt. Thus he could afford to study mechanical engineering at the Technical University in Ausburg. After he worked as an engineer in Nürnberg hardware factory he in 1859 moved to Hungary, where he worked in Abraham →Ganz’s factory until his retirement. At the time →Ganz mainly produced the railway wheels for the various railway companies.
→Ganz, who himself had no higher education acquired an important partner by employing M. as his mechanical engineer. M. adjusted the production of the plant to the production of steam turbines and in 1867 after the death of Abraham →Ganz took over the company. By the year 1900, the factory under his leadership became a giant successful concern employing 6000 persons. This successful development was based primarily on M.’s excellent technical expertise. Among other things, he in 1874 took over the foundry in Mühln, which was engaged in milling. By 1907, 30.000 such roller products were exported all over the world. M. designed various agricultural vapour and, later on, oil engines. He soon realized the importance of electrical engineering and in 1878 within his factory set up an Electrotechnical Division.

24. 05. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Košice

On 25th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Slovak Technical Museum in Košice. The game will be accessible for school groups till 30th June. For more info ...

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20. 04. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Budapest

On 4th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum in Budapest. The game will be accessible for school groups ...

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