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This project is funded by the European Commission. The content is the responsibility of the author and in no way represents the views of the European Commission.


* 8. 3. 1907, Slezská Ostrava, Czech Republic
† 5. 7. 1985, Prague, Czech Republic


K.-N. studied physics at the Natural Science Faculty of Charles University in Prague and was a student and collaborator of Václav Dolejšek at the Institute of Spectroscopy. In the dissertation, which she wrote between 1929 and 1931, she dealt with reverse effects of certain types of radiation.
After graduating, K.-N. worked in the General Institute in Prague, but would after work regularly go to the Institute of Spectroscopy, formed in 1935 with the financial support of the →Škoda factory and being a part of the Department of Physical Research of the company. As a result of her cooperation with the Institute a monograph entitled X-ray testing of structures of clean materials (Die Prüfung feiner Materialstrukturen mit Röntgenstrahlen) was published in 1943. Starting in 1944, she organized discussions on problems in x-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials. The practical research defined material fatigue or temper and elasticity of steel. These achievements led to the use of X-ray diffraction method in a number of metallographic laboratories of the Czechoslovak metallurgical plants.
Physical survey made at the university soon became part of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague. Here K.-N. continued to work with X-ray analysis of structures, particularly with microstructure roentgenography for use in the analysis of defects in materials, defects in crystalline compounds and the study of the real crystal structures.
K.-N. published a number of monographs and about 70 scientific papers. In recognition of her merits in radioscopy she became professor of physics at the Faculty of atomic physics and engineering of Technical University in 1986 and was appointed a correspondence member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.

24. 05. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Košice

On 25th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Slovak Technical Museum in Košice. The game will be accessible for school groups till 30th June. For more info ...

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20. 04. 2011 - Opening of CESA in Budapest

On 4th May, 2011 we will open the Central European Science Adventure in Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum in Budapest. The game will be accessible for school groups ...

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